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In the world everything, substance, man and other ani-mals are made from the Panchmahabhoot that is the five basic elements. The earth, the water, the fire, the wind and the sky. The five elements have close rela-tionship with man and his environment. Nature has given them their proper place according to merit. If we give proper place to these elements at proper places in our building we become one with Nature. Ac-tually nature is the God. One can experience the eter-nal truth of nature on every step. The whole nature is overpowered with magnetic environment. The modern man has waged a war with nature in many fields. We can see nature with our own eyes and we can experience the Panchmahabootas. Going against them would lead us to sure destruction. Taking the sur-roundings and the proper places for these elements into consideration, the sages and seers introduced Vaastushastra. For showing themselves rational, some people think Vaastushastra as superstitious. This is real...

2. Basic Principles of Vaastu

Since the whole universe is a composition of five basic elements: Fire, Air, Space, Earth and Water. Through these, our body receives Internal Energies in the form of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats etc. and External Energies in the form of Heat, Light, Sound, Wind and so on . The basic principles of Vaastu enables us to achieve balance among these ; giving more flexibility of body & mind for a better life . When the harmony between these elements gets disturbed our energies get dissipated in different directions leading to stress, tension and ill health and our peace of mind is destroyed. We then have to redirect our Energies subjectively as well objectively , so as to achieve an equilibrium between Internal / External Energies, to attain a healthy body and a happy mind leading to health, wealth, happiness, prosperity and success . The diagrams showing interaction of human mind with the Cosmic Mind. The natural cycle of the elements is given here under. ...