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Veedi Shoolas :

There are sites where roads or lanes run right into the face of site from different directions and these are known

as Veedi (Road) Shoolas (Arrows). Some of them are good and others are bad. (Ref. Sketch Nos. 1 to 8)

Example of Layout of plots having Vedi Shoolas :

Since it is impossible to comment upon sites with different and innumerable permutations and combinations of road, direction, size and shape etc., let us examine one layout whereby a general idea about the merits and demerits of different sites can be gathered.

Plot No. 15 -
- East South-East - Veedi Shoola
Plot No.19 -
- East North-East  - Veedi Shoola
Plot No.04 -Not Bad - South South-East - Veedi Shoola
Plot No.36 - Bad  -
North North -West - Veedi Shoola

Plot No.28- V.Bad - West South -West - Veedi Shoola Plot No.32- Not bad - West North -West - Veedi Shoola

Plot No.27, 28, 29, 30, : These sites are good since the site extends towards North-East. Though Plot No. 28 is extending towards North -East it has Veedhi Shoola from South -West which is very bad.

Plot No.34, 8,11 : These sites are not good since North -East corner is rounded off. Rectification of these kind of plots is very difficult.

Plot No. 14, 15, 16,17 : These sites are bad since the South -West distnce is more than that from South - East to North -East to North -West. But the extension is towards South -West which is bad. These sites have to be reticied before use.

Plot No.18, 19, 20,31,32,33, : These sites are bad since the South -east to North-West distance is more than that from North -East to South -West. These sites should be corrected before the construction work starts.

Plot No.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 22, 25, : These sites are good since they are rectangualr or square in shape. But road is towards south.

Plot No. 7,10, 13, 26, 40, ; These sites have rounded off corners, towards North -west and South -East.

Plot No. 1, 21, 24 ; These sites are not good since South -West corner is rounded off, and North -East - South to West distance is less than that of South -East to North -West.

Plot N0. 12, 9 and 35 to 39 : These sites are good since they are either rectangular or square and the road is in the Northern side.

Overcoming                      the                  Problem                    of
Veedhi  Shoolas

Example : The example shown below is about the site having the Veedi Shoola in the North, North West corner which is bad. To overcome this problem a portion in that particular corner ( the width of which should be equal to that of road, the Veedhi Shoola) has to be demarcated and sold to a third party as vacant plot or along with a building. In such a case the site sold will be having Veedhi Shoola from the North which is good. As a result of this the main site gets rid of the problem. Similarly other cases with Veedhi Shoolas from different directions can be solved. But care should be taken with these kind of cases, so that when gettinf rid of evil effects of Veedhi Shoolas one is not left with a site having extentions to unfavourable directions.



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